“V-shaped Recovery”
先進国でも際立ってワクチン接種が遅れている日本を尻目に、欧米各国などでは今後の景気回復の見通しが喧しく議論され始めています。インド型デルタ株感染の拡大や、五輪の強硬開催で非常事態宣言の再発令ともなれば、また1兆円を超える経済損失に見舞われるのではとの試算もあり不透明感に身構える日本とは対照的に、アメリカでは景気過熱によるインフレ懸念から量的金融緩和政策 (QE: Quantitative Easing)の出口戦略 (tapering)や利上げの観測を巡って長期金利が変動し、日によっては株式市場を大きく揺さぶる状況です。今月は景気回復状況に関するコトバについてです。
[V-shaped Recovery]
V-shaped recovery is a type of economic recession and recovery that resembles a "V" shape in charting. Specifically, a V-shaped recovery represents the shape of a chart of economic measures economists create when examining recessions and recoveries. A V-shaped recovery involves a sharp rise back to a previous peak after a sharp decline in these metrics.
[K-shaped Recovery]
A K-shaped recovery occurs when, following a recession, different parts of the economy recover at different rates, times, or magnitudes. This is in contrast to an even, uniform recovery across sectors, industries, or groups of people. A K-shaped recovery leads to changes in the structure of the economy or the broader society as economic outcomes and relations are fundamentally changed before and after the recession. This type of recovery is called K-shaped because the path of different parts of the economy when charted together may diverge, resembling the two arms of the Roman letter "K."
[U-shaped Recovery]
A U-shaped recovery is a type of economic recession and recovery that resembles a U shape when charted. A U-shaped recovery represents the shape of the chart of certain economic measures, such as employment, GDP, and industrial output. This shape occurs when the economy experiences a sharp decline in these metrics without a clearly defined trough but instead a period of stagnation followed by a relatively healthy rise back to its previous peak. A U-shaped recovery is similar to a V-shaped recovery except that the economy spends a longer time slogging along the bottom of the recession rather than immediately rebounding.
●A majority of Americans think the economy will improve again in the next year. That's the hope of a v-shaped recovery. But corporate America is becoming more worried about the recovery. A survey of executives found nearly half think a u-shaped recovery is more likely than a v-shaped recovery. Worse, there's the fear of a so-called k-shaped recovery that widens the gap between winners and losers. Hiring comes back in officers and factories but job losses become permanent in retail, restaurants, and leisure.
次に「W字回復」と「L字回復」もご紹介しておきましょう。W字回復は一旦回復トレンドに入った後でまた降下し、底打ちして再回復へ向かうというトレンドを繰り返すもの、L字回復は、経済が後退したのち回復せずに景気後退局面が長期化してゆく状態です。InvestopediaではL字型の典型例として、大恐慌 (The Great Depression)、バブル崩壊後の日本の失われた10年(The Lost Decade in Japan)、日本ではリーマンショックと称されている2008年の金融危機 (The Great Recession)の3例があげられています。
[W-shaped Recovery]
A W-shaped recovery refers to an economic cycle of recession and recovery that resembles the letter W in charting. A W-shaped recovery represents the shape of the chart of certain economic measures such as employment, gross domestic product (GDP), industrial output, and others. A W-shaped recovery involves a sharp decline in these metrics followed by a sharp rise back upward, followed again by a sharp decline and ending with another sharp rise. The middle section of the W can represent a significant bear market rally or a recovery that was stifled by an additional economic crisis.
[L-shaped Recovery]
An L-shaped recovery is a type of recovery characterized by a slow rate of recovery, with persistent unemployment and stagnant economic growth. L-shaped recoveries occur following an economic recession characterized by a more-or-less steep decline in the economy, but without a correspondingly steep recovery. When depicted as a line chart, graphs of major economic performance may visually resemble the shape of the letter “L” during this period
さらに、急回復したあとに頭打ちとなる「√(ルート)型回復」(Square root-shaped Recovery)もあるようですが、次に引用するCNNのコメンテーターは、アメリカの経済回復が「逆√型回復」だと分析していました。L字回復と似ていますが、コロナ禍で急落した後に、相場用語では”Dead Cat Bounce”と称されるわずかな反転を経ただけで充分には回復せず低位で推移する状況を例えたものです。
●We lost those 22 million jobs in the summer. You see that. In the spring, rather. And then slowly tried to crawl out of that hole. That is not a V-shaped recovery, Jim, that is a reverse square root and it's going in the wrong direction here.